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Well Water Permit

Operating & Renewing

Operating Requirements

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    A weather proof sign with the words "Danger - Water Unsafe-This well water is NOT to be used for drinking or domestic purposes" shall be clearly, legibly and prominently displayed  on each pump  tap and outlet connected to the well whose water is not approved for drinking purposes. The lettering on the sign must be at least two inches high.
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      Well water should not be used for purposes other than those outlined on the permit. The well water supply should be free from cross connection with the building plumbing or the municipal water supply system
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        No person shall drill, construct or abandon a well without first registering the well with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation pursuant to New York State Environmental Conservation Law 15-1525.
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          If a water well is to be sealed or closed, the owner of the property must notify the Office of Public Health Engineering. Every decommissioned or abandoned well must be sealed or closed so as to protect the aquifer from pollution or contaminants, and prevent a hazard to life or property. The Office of Public Health Engineering may require the abandonment of a well which it deems to be contaminated or damaged or which has been constructed or operated improperly.
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            Applying for an NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) permit does not satisfy the regulatory requirements of other City and State Agencies. It is the business owner's responsibility to apply for all other permits, licenses, and authorizations required by other City and State Agencies. Failure to comply with all relevant regulations, including those under the jurisdiction of other Agencies, may result in the suspension of DOHMH permits until proof of compliance is provided.