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Fill Work Permit (Federal)

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Waterfront Construction Work Permits


Federal Army Corps of Engineers

A Fill Work Permit is required to dump, place, or deposit dredging or fill material in navigable waters. The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACE) issue these permits. Applicants must submit a joint application to both the ACE and DEC.

Fill material typically consists of clean earth, dirt, concrete, rock, gravel, stone and sand.

The Waterfront Permits Unit at the NYC Department of Small Business Services administers the City's Fill Work Permit. This permit is needed for any work on City-owned waterfront property. This permit is sometimes needed for work conducted on privately-owned waterfront property. Click the following link for further information on the City Fill Work Permit.

For further information on the Federal Fill Work Permit, contact the ACE New York Division or the DEC.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District

Attention: Eastern Permits Section

26 Federal Plaza

Room 1937

New York NY 10278-0090
Phone (917) 790-8007
Fax (212) 264-4260

NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) - Region 2 Office

Division of Environmental Permits

1 Hunter's Point Plaza

47-40 21st Street

Long Island City NY 11101-5407
Phone (718) 482-4900
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