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Hazardous Chemicals Inspection


City Fire Department

The FDNY performs inspections throughout the City of New York for the proper storage of hazardous chemicals. Inspections are performed to enforce regulations that protect the public and property exposed to fire caused by improperly stored chemicals.

The LABORATORY UNIT routinely inspects facilities that use or store hazardous chemicals. The storage and use of most hazardous chemicals requires a permit from the Fire Department. Other chemicals may require inspections and permits or in some cases, a Certificate of Fitness to store, sell or use them. For more information, call the Lab Unit or the District Office listed in the Hazardous Chemical and Compressed Gas Regulations and Inspections fact sheet provided below. If your business requires an inspection, fees will be charged. Please inquire directly for specific details. Be aware that the amounts of different chemicals stored at your location may determine whether or not you require a permit.

FDNY Business Support Team

Questions about the New York City Fire Code, call 311 and ask for the FDNY Customer Service Center or send an email to

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