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Information About Construction Projects that Last More Than Three Months


City Buildings, Department of

The Office of Construction Mitigation and Coordination (OCMC) requires any large construction project lasting for more than three months to place informational signs at the construction site. 

These signs must include information such as the name of the project being undertaken, estimated date of completion, name of owner, and name of contractor. Some of the most common activities covered by this requirements are:
  • Roadway Reconstruction
  • Parks Project
  • Major installation of Sewer/Water
  • Water Shafts
  • Fan Plants
  • Bridge reconstruction
  • Major utility installation
  • Work on buildings greater than four stories and or 50,000 sq ft or more.
Please contact the OCMC for information about specific projects.

NYC Department of Transportation (DOT)

Office of Construction Mitigation and Coordination (OCMC)

55 Water Street

New York NY 10041

For further assistance, please call 311 and ask for: Construction Signs

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