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Permit to Install Sewer House Connection


Before you submit your application

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    Construction businesses that will need to temporarily discharge groundwater to a sanitary, storm, or combined sewer must comply with the Sewer Use Regulations.

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      Construction businesses that will need to temporarily discharge groundwater to a sanitary, storm, or combined sewer must comply with the Sewer Use Regulations.

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        A Licensed Master Plumber is required to make this connection.

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          List of Permit Fees. More info

            • Single/Multiple Premise(s) Sewer House Connections: $200.00 per lot
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          List of accepted payment methods. More info

            • Check (made payable to the New York City Water Board)
            • Money Order (made payable to the New York City Water Board)
        • Ready to Apply?

          Steps to apply in person:

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          Download and print the Application for Permit to Install Single/Multiple Premise(s) Sewer House Connection(s) at the link above under Application Materials.

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            Fill out the form. Please note that the application needs signature, seal, and plumber's license number.

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              Submit the application to the appropriate DEP Water and Sewer Records Borough Office listed below under Additional Information.

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                The applicant will receive a response from DEP within one day of submission.

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                  If application is found satisfactory, the applicant will receive an approved copy of the application to install a new house sewer connection to a City or private sewer.

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                    The applicant must bring the approved application and the required fee, listed below, to any of DEP Bureau of Customer Services Borough offices. A list of Borough office locations is listed below under Additional Notes.

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                      The permit will be issued on the spot, or the applicant might be asked to come back the next day.