After You Apply
After you submit your application
Attach the following documents/forms:
- Certificate of Occupancy (CO) or Letter of No Objection (LNO) from the NYC Department of Buildings. The CO and LNO must be current during the camp operating period.
- 501(c)(3) Tax Exemption Letter from the IRS and letter on your organization letterhead that you are in current and good standing with your exemption status.
- Certificate of Incorporation or Filing Receipt. (Required for Partnerships and Corporations/LLCs)
- Site Inspection Request Form
- Workers' Compensation Certificate or Form CE-200 (if exempt)
- Disability Benefits Insurance Certificate or Form CE-200 (if exempt)
- Proof of Comprehensive Liability Insurance
- Proof of Vehicular Insurance (only required if you intend to use a private or chartered vehicles)
- Children’s Camp Facility and Staff Description
- Camp Director's Resume
- Camp Director's Statewide Central Register Database Check
- Prospective Children's Camp Director Certified Statement
- Health Director's CPR Certification (e.g. CPR Pro)
- Health Director's Advance First Aid Certification (e.g. RTE/Advance First Aid)
- NYC Summer Camp Safety Plan
- Trip Itinerary and Parental Consent
- Aquatics Director's Resume
- Aquatics Director's Lifeguard Management Certification
- Aquatics Director's CPR Certification (e.g. CPR Pro)
New camp directors are required to attend a Camp Director's Orientation provided by the Department. The session is about 2 hours long and there is no fee to register.
Note: You can apply for the camp permit even if the camp director has not yet attended the orientation.
Camps preparing food on site or serving food to children that is delivered/catered in bulk quantities from an approved food service establishment must have a supervising manager on duty who has been issued a Food Protection Certificate issued by the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. The course can be taken online for free, where you can study at your own pace. The course can also be taken in a virtual classroom setting for a fee.
If your camp will receive food from the Department of Education or the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), or if ready-to-eat meals are catered and served in individual packaging, your workers are required to take the Food Protection: (4-Hour) for Soup Kitchen and Summer Camp Workers Course.