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Certified Home Health Agency (CHHA), Operating Certificate


State Health, Department of

Home health agencies must be certified to operate in New York State. This certificate is from the NYS Department of Health (NYSDOH).

There is a moratorium until 2020 on most new applications. The information provided here is for reference. Contact the NYSDOH for more information.

Home health agencies provide long-term, part-time medical care at patients' homes. For certification, agencies must provide at least these services:
  • nursing services;
  • home health aide services;
  • medical supplies;
  • equipment; and
  • appliances for use at home.
The agency must also provide at least one other service. These include:
  • physical therapy;
  • occupational therapy;
  • speech pathology;
  • nutritional services; or
  • medical social services.
Agencies also need a Certificate of Need. This proves that the agency meets a public need, is run by qualified people, and is financially solvent. For the operating certificate, the agency must prove that the facilities meet all legal requirements.

Additional resources

NYS Department of Health

NYC Metropolitan Area Office

90 Church Street, 14th Floor

New York NY 10007-2919
Phone 2124174921

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