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OFTB Optional Permit


City Film, Theatre & Broadcasting, Office of

A permit from the Office of Film, Theatre and Broadcasting (OFTB) is not required for any of the following activities:

  • Filming that uses hand-held cameras or tripods and does not assert exclusive use of City property.
  • Standing on a street, walkway of a bridge, sidewalk, or other pedestrian passageway while using a hand-held device and not otherwise asserting exclusive use of City property.
  • Filming a parade, rally, protest or demonstration (except when equipment with the exception of hand-held devices or vehices are used).
  • Press photographers, who are credentialed by the Mayor's Office of Media and Entertainment (MOME), conducting filming or photography.

When a permit is not required by OFTB, it is possible to apply for an Optional Permit. The OFTB Optional Permit is offered as an accomodation to filmmakers. To obtain an optional permit, much of the same documentation is required as is necessary for those persons seeking a Required Permit but no photo ID or insurance is required for an optional permit. For more information, please see the Prerequisites section, below.

Mayor's Office of Film, Theatre & Broadcasting

1697 Broadway, 6th Fl.

New York NY 10019
Phone (212) 489-6710
Fax (212) 307-6237

For further assistance, please call 311 and ask for: Mayor's Office of Film, Theatre & Broadcasting

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