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Packaging and Transportation Requirements for Regulated Medical Waste

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Medical Waste Treatment Guidelines


Federal Transportation, U.S. Department of

The US Department of Transportation (USDOT) governs the disposal of regulated medical waste (RMW). Businesses must follow their rules.

RMW is solid waste that comes from medical treatment for animals or humans. RMW can include cultures or stocks, blood, and human waste.

Businesses that generate RMW must package and label waste properly. Businesses must package RMW in authorized red bags or appropriate containers. The surface of these bags or containers should be clearly labeled as "bio-medical waste" or "bio-hazardous waste." Containers and bags must bear the name and contact information of the facility and a contact person. Businesses must train staff in the safe disposal of RMW every three years.

Violations may lead to civil or criminal penalties.

Contact USDOT for more information on national regulations. Contact the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation for information on rules in New York.

U.S. Department of Transportation

1200 New Jersey Ave, SE

Washington DC 20590
Phone (202) 366-4000

NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC)

Division of Materials Management

Bureau of Permitting and Planning

625 Broadway, 9th Floor

Albany NY 12233-7253
Phone (518) 402-8792
Fax (518) 402-9034
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