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Dry Cleaning, Regulations on Perchloroethylene (Perc)


State Environmental Conservation, Department of

In New York State, dry cleaning businesses must follow laws that regulate the emission of perchloroethylene ("perc"). These laws are enforced by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC).

State regulations govern the design, performance, and operation of dry cleaning machines. Facilities must meet certain standards to prevent high emissions of perchloroethylene. Machines must be certified. Business managers must receive sixteen hours of safety training by state law. Facilities are also required to keep reports on the use of perchloroethylene and other hazardous substances.

In New York City, the NYC Department of Environmental Protection is responsible for updating and enforcing the Air Code. The NYC Fire Department requires a Certificate of Fitness for supervising dry cleaning facilities.

NYS Department of Environmental Conservation

Division of Air Resources, Dry Cleaner Program

625 Broadway

Albany NY 12233
Phone (518) 402-8403
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