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Tax Return Preparer/Facilitator Registration Certificate


State Taxation and Finance, Department of

Tax return preparers must register every year with the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance (DTF).

Anyone who prepares a tax return for compensation must register. Those who prepare ten or more returns a year is a commercial tax return preparer. These people must pay a fee. The certificate will also indicate if a person acts as a facilitator for tax refunds.

The DTF will issue a New York Tax Preparer Identification Number (NYTPRIN). The NYTPRIN must be included with a signature on all tax returns and reports.

Certified public accounting firms and their employees do not need this certificate. Law firms and their employees do not need this certificate. Certified public accountants and attorneys registered anywhere in the United States do not need this certificate.

Preparers must also register with the federal Internal Revenue Services. Preparers that do not register every year may be penalized. Preparers cannot be in arrears for child support obligations.

New information from the DTF is available for tax return preparers. Click the following link to learn more about new rules and registration methods.

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