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Waste Transporter Permit


State Environmental Conservation, Department of

A Waste Transporter Permit authorizes a business to engage in waste transportation by vehicle in New York State.

Waste includes:
  • non-hazardous industrial/commercial wastes;
  • asbestos;
  • hazardous industrial/commercial waste;
  • waste oil;
  • waste tires;
  • petroleum-contaminated soil;
  • non-residential raw sewage or sewage-contaminated wastes;
  • grease trap waste;
  • sewage or water supply treatment plant sludge;
  • medical waste;
  • septage (residential);
  • residential raw sewage including portable toilet waste;
  • low-level radioactive waste; and
  • mixed waste.
Businesses must have a USEPA Identification Number to transport dangerous waste. Visit the following page for more information on obtaining this Number.

NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC)

Division of Materials Management

Bureau of Permitting and Planning

625 Broadway, 9th Floor

Albany NY 12233-7253
Phone (518) 402-8792
Fax (518) 402-9034
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