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Registration for the removal of Construction and Demolition Debris (C&D Registration)


Before you submit your application

  • 1
    Review the Class 2 Construction and Demolition Removal Registration information Title 17, Chapter 1, available at the link above.
    • 2
      A completed Certification form for each principal of the business, certifying that all information provided in the application is complete and accurate. This form is included with the Class 2 Construction and Demolition Removal Registration Application, available at the link above. This form must be notarized prior to submission.
      • 3
        A completed Release Authorization form for each principal of the business. This form grants the Business Integrity Commission permission to investigate the background of the business and or / its principals, affiliates, agents and employees as required for the purposes of determining whether the applicant meets the licensing standards of Good Character, Honesty and Integrity. This form is included with the Class 2 Construction and Demolition Removal Registration Application, available at the link above. This form must be signed and notarized by a principal of the company prior to submission.
        • 4
          Relevant business certificates. For Sole Proprietors operating under a name other than the name of the business owner must have a certified copy of the Certificate of Doing Business filed with the County Clerk in the county in which the business is located. For all Partnerships, a copy of the current partnership agreement and Certificate of Partnership, certified by the County Clerk in the county in which the business is located is required. All Corporations must submit a copy of the Certificate of Incorporation filed with the Secretary of State.
          • 5
            Tax Identification Number(s) if the business is a Corporation, or the Social Security Numbers for each principal of the business if the business is a Partnership or Sole Proprietorship.
            • 6
              If the applicant business is not incorporated in New York State, a certified copy of the Authority to Do Business Certificate issued by the New York Secretary of State is required.
              • 7
                Documents relating to any forfeiture, receivership or independent monitoring such as liens or bankruptcy proceedings related to the business.
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                  Documents relating to any contested City, State or Federal tax proceeding.
                  • 9
                    A non-refundable application fee of $3,500.00 due at time of filing.
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                      List of Permit Fees. More info
                      • Registration fee: $3,500 registration fee, paid at time application is submitted. $500 per vehicle Registration fee at time of approval.
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                      List of accepted payment methods. More info
                      • MasterCard
                      • Visa
                      • Discover
                      • Check
                      • Money Order
                    • Ready to Apply?

                      Steps to apply in person:

                    • 1
                      Complete the application for Class 2 Construction and Demolition Removal Registration linked above.
                      • 2
                        Submit the original and one copy of the completed application with the required application fee and all required documentation (identified in the Prerequisites section above) to the License Unit at the Business Integrity Commission (BIC) in person or by mail at the address below.
                        • 3
                          All principals must be photographed for the application to be considered complete. Photographs can be taken at the time the application is submitted, or BIC will contact the business to ask each principal to schedule an appointment to appear at the BIC Licensing Unit to be photographed.
                          • 4
                            Once an application has been reviewed and accepted, the applicant will remain in a pending status until completion of a background investigation.
                            • 5
                              Applicants are notified by mail when an approval is granted
                              • 6
                                Upon receipt of approval in the mail, applicants are instructed to call the BIC for an appointment to be assigned a registration order and to pick up vehicle trade waste plates.
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                                  Applicants may not operate until approval is granted. Applicants will receive a letter approving or denying their application. Approved applicants must then report to the BIC, at the address below, and sign a registration order before they are issued trade waste plates for each vehicle registered to haul waste.